“You can’t change the wind, but you can adjust your sails”

This is my favorite quote of all time. It has helped me so many times in the past and if you haven’t heard it before, you have now and it can help you too! A lot of times change can suck. It can be uncomfortable, mess up your routine and have you fearing the unknown. Guess what though, life is change! Obviously sometimes it can change for the worse but also everything good that happens also comes from change. Think about something that has changed, maybe at your work or in your daily life that has shaken up your routine. You could complain everyday about it and say how much you liked how it was before. What does that do for you though? How does that help you? For example things change at my job a lot and there are times it’s not for the better and I don’t like the change. There will be people who will just whine about it. A better way to think about it would look like this.

Step 1. Accept the change. This is how it is now!

Step 2. Adjust your “life sails”! You do this by changing your mindset! What can you do to make this new way or change work for you. Maybe you have to change your whole routine up or learn something new or try different ways of doing things. Maybe something really bad has happened in life and you have to really dig deep to find the strength to over come it. You can do it!

Trust me, I get it. It’s easier said then done. I’m dealing with a major life disruption now and I’ve had to remind myself of this quote. I’ve been so sick with my chronic Lyme Disease and Babesia and Bartonella that I’ve really been adjusting my “life sails”. I’m realizing I can’t hit a lot of my fitness goals I’ve set because I need to focus more on healing. I’m also realizing these diseases are a lot harder to heal from then I thought and I have a long tough healing journey ahead of me. I’ve changed my diet, take supplements, yoga, meditation, Intermittent fasting, red light therapy, gua sha, cupping, foam rolling, epsom salt baths and acupuncture to name some of the adjusting I’ve already been doing. I’ve developed food allergies and am even allergic to alcohol now. So I can’t even eat or drink the same things I used to be able to. I miss out on plans and can’t attend events/parties because I’m too sick a lot of times. Mentally this is so tough. It’s easy to think of how I used to be and the things I used to be able to do. I’m glad I remembered this quote though. Where I am now is the reality of my life at the moment and living in the past isn’t going to help me at all. This is where changing your mindset is so important. I have a ton to still be grateful for and need to focus even more on healing and doing what’s best for my body. That’s how I apply this quote to my life. Ask yourself how can you apply it to your life? So get out there and adjust your “life sails” and surf your storm!! Have the best week ever!

Crush it!


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1 year ago

Spot on, am dealing with SO that has cancer, dementia, psychosis, narcissism, am adjusting sails at warp speed, nicely said

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