Be a Fighter!

“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.” – Bruce Lee

If it was only that easy right? Just pray for an easy life and never face any adversity or have any obstacles to overcome. Obviously that is crazy and impossible. Everyone eventually faces something tough in life, and like the quote I started off with stated, hopefully you have the strength to endure it. You have to be a fighter! I just recently watched the new scream movie. (I love horror movies.) Where am I going with this though? I’ll tell you! Sidney Prescott! She’s obviously the main protagonist throughout the scream series and one of the best final girls in horror history. I bring this up because she is a fighter, and I love the chance to combine a positive message with my love of horror.

When Sidney was a teenager her mother was murdered, then on the one year anniversary of her death more murders started to happen. She had friends murdered, and it ends up being her boyfriend and friend responsible for the murders. She is a fighter though and ends up killing them. We see her in the sequel in college and of course more chaos ensues and she overcomes it all once again. Later in the 4th film she’s an author of a self help book! After all she’s been through she’s trying to focus on the positive and help others! Don’t play the victim card! Be a badass like Sidney! Keep moving forward! In the newest scream she’s married with children and moved far away and trying to live her best life. Of course this is a horror movie so she’s lured back for another round of fighting Ghostface! What an awesome character arc she has. Now a mom in her 40’s and still fighting! She’s obviously a fictional character in a movie so everything is exaggerated and to the extreme and hopefully no one has to go through all that she did. But, we could still learn a lot from her. Never give up!

Like a villain in a horror movie, a lot of the times when you think you’ve beaten an obstacle or gotten past something difficult, It comes back. Or there is another battle that arises in your life that you must be ready for. No matter how shitty the circumstances are, you have to keep going and believe it will get better. Hopefully this post makes sense and isn’t to ADHD to follow. I mean I did start with a Bruce Lee quote and then ramble on about the main character of scream and tie it all back together through a positive message. Maybe this will work, maybe it won’t, but anyway just remember that quote from Bruce Lee! Whatever you are fighting in life, attack it with the same ferocity as Sidney did fighting Ghostface. So when you’re having a bad day and life is kicking your ass and you’re wondering if you should give up. I hope you answer like Sidney when she famously said “Not in my movie!” Keep going and have the best week ever!

Crush It!


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2 years ago

love the analogy with Scream and including Sidney’s whole character arc thats badass!

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