“New month! New goals! LFG!” ~hopefully you at the start of every new month! If anyone listens to anything I write about , It should be this message!! I’ve wrote about this before but I feel so passionate about this that I guess this is the sequel!!! It took me until I was stuck in […]
Look for the Beauty!
You may be struggling right now in life and trust me I get it! I’m right there with you! BUT it’s so Important to still try and find the beauty in the day! It’s out there somewhere! You need to work on Mindset and go look for the Beauty💚✌️
Look for the Beauty! Read More »
Never Give UP On Yourself!
Quick note before getting into this! This is NOT my story! I’m very excited to finally be able to share someone else’s story on how they have learned to “surf the life storm” they are facing! This is Stephanie’s story on how she had to believe in herself and keep going to finally get answers
Never Give UP On Yourself! Read More »
Look for the Lesson!
“Some of the best lessons in life are learned at the worse times.” Why did this awful thing happen to me? It’s not fair! Have you ever thought that about a situation in your life? I know I have! We should also remember life isn’t fair and while it may be fine to think like
Look for the Lesson! Read More »
Tunnel vision
You may not have 20/20 vision but you should get tunnel vision. Get dialed in! Grind towards that goal. That dream you have, It’s not going to chase itself! Find your why or your mission or whatever you want to call it. Go all in! When you do this, It will change your life. I’m
Don’t let your inner child down!
“I can’t wait to grow up and be a (_____________). Insert whatever resonates here! That sentence is usually said with joy and hope by every kid at some point. This way of thinking I’m about to share has helped me keep battling and not give up through some tough times. Hopefully you will relate to
Don’t let your inner child down! Read More »
“Call an Audible”
“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.”-Mike Tyson How true is that quote?! I know for me at least, I had a certain vision of how my life would play out. Obviously in life we should expect the unexpected. That being said though, I still didn’t expect a chronic illness would
Never give up!
I’m writing this as an experiment. Most posts start off with an epic quote and tie it into whatever my message is. This time I got nothing. It’s 8:30 pm and I’m in my bed fighting off a panic attack. I’ve been suffering from probably my worse symptom air hunger for 14 hours. I’ve been
“Take the Shot”
“I don’t need a watch, the time is now or never.” – Lil Wayne Read that quote again if you have to. Don’t wait! The time is now. You know what I’m talking about too. That thing you keep saying you’re going to do. That dream you should be chasing but put off. Apply this
“You can’t change the wind, but you can adjust your sails”
This is my favorite quote of all time. It has helped me so many times in the past and if you haven’t heard it before, you have now and it can help you too! A lot of times change can suck. It can be uncomfortable, mess up your routine and have you fearing the unknown.
“You can’t change the wind, but you can adjust your sails” Read More »