Never give up!

I’m writing this as an experiment. Most posts start off with an epic quote and tie it into whatever my message is. This time I got nothing. It’s 8:30 pm and I’m in my bed fighting off a panic attack. I’ve been suffering from probably my worse symptom air hunger for 14 hours. I’ve been in fight or flight that long and am completely kicked. Mostly I’m writing this to see if it will help me get my mind off this and to see what comes out of me when I’m at my worse. I literally don’t know what I’m going to write next. When I reread this and if I feel there is value here then I’ll release this as a blog post and if not I’ll just trash this. So if anyone is reading this now I guess I felt like it had value….Where was I again???..Oh yeah..


I’ve had this issue off and on for so many years it makes me sad to even think about. It comes and goes, but sometimes it flares for a few weeks at a time. It feels like your lungs aren’t big enough to catch a breath. You yawn all day long trying to get a breath. Back when this symptom first started I had a few doctors just tell me I had bad anxiety. Then 1 said I had pleurisy, another said it was from costochondritis, 1 said I had asthma and eventually was told it was chronic hyperventilation syndrome. Now so many years later and finally finding a root cause and getting diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease, Babesia and the latest, Bartonella. I assume its actually been a symptom from one of these fun diseases. Its terrifying feeling like you can’t breathe. You can’t think straight, chest gets tight ,scramble your words, get dizzy, feel detached and disassociate and fingers/feet can go numb and get depressed and have bad thoughts and want to give up and after all the battling then the panic attacks start. It is awful and so tough to even explain to people. So far it seems I’ve just been venting and maybe writing this for myself but I think I know how to add value now..

Don’t take your health for granted!!

On the days I’m not suffering from this or a few of my other bad symptoms, I’m going to live the shit out of those days!! I do too, I’ve had so many awful days that I’ve learned to not even just appreciate the small little things but LOVE them. Friends and family joke and laugh at me because I’m always know for saying “It was the best time ever! or “The best day ever”! Get pumped up for the small things! Don’t forget your bad days. Use them to make your good days fucking great days!

It’s hard to try and stay positive and have faith you’ll get through whatever storm you’re facing I get it, but don’t give up! Keep battling!! I don’t see any sign of a light at the end of the tunnel for myself right now. That being said though, I’m going to keep going and I hope anyone struggling also keeps going. They say things get harder before they get better or you know the whole “It’s darkest before the dawn” quote. Well I hope that is true for me and anyone struggling out there. Never give up!

Crush it!


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1 year ago

love your open honesty and great advice! so much to learn from this post! you are never alone Brother! Never give up and crush it is right! Hell yeah!!

1 year ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and struggles with us. I agree. Let’s not take our health for granted. It’s easy to do, you know?

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