Look for the Lesson!

“Some of the best lessons in life are learned at the worse times.”

Why did this awful thing happen to me? It’s not fair! Have you ever thought that about a situation in your life? I know I have! We should also remember life isn’t fair and while it may be fine to think like that for a moment or two, that way of thinking is not going to help us at all! We have to abandon the victim mindset and embrace the victor mindset!

I could write pages about how much my chronic illness has mad me miss out on and how tough the struggles are. It sucks and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. You’ve probably had some struggles or been dealt a crappy hand in life from time to time too I bet. The magic happens though when you shift your mindset. Start looking for the lessons you can learn from your struggles.

How frustrating! I hate this! I’m never going to get cured. All those were thoughts I’d have after a Lyme Disease/Babesia/Bartonella treatment didn’t cure me or the new supplements I spent a lot of money on didn’t help. I had to change how I thought about this. Realizing even though I’m not cured, I now have more information and now know what doesn’t work so I can move on to something different! How can you apply this mindset change to whatever you are dealing with?

Here are just a few more Lessons I’ve learned from my healing journey.

Listening to my body and realizing I needed a lifestyle change to help with my healing has been essential to any progress that I’ve made. I couldn’t keep living the way I had been if I wanted to see change.

We all can be stronger then we ever knew possible. Think of that quote about Diamonds don’t start out all polished and shining, they form under extreme pressure. You can be that diamond!

Mindset, Mindset, Mindset! Look for the lessons. Look for the good. Love the smalls things! https://surfthestorm.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=294&action=editDon’t take anything for granted. I’m convinced if you want to heal you have to work on your mindset like you’d work on your body at the gym.

Though my healing journey seems to have more ups and downs then an extreme rollercoaster, I’m more driven and ambitious then I’ve ever been in my life. That quote that I started this post off with I can confirm to be 100% true. So whatever you are dealing with, think about what can be learned from it. Look for the lessons! Have the best week ever!

Crush it!


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1 year ago

Really enjoyed this! Keep up the good work!

1 year ago

Great blog! Very inspiring. Keep up the good work


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